Parts / Governments(North Hall)

Webasto: Webasto BlueCool Truck Parking Cooler
Idling-Stop Climate Comfort: Webasto BlueCool Truck
The Webasto Japanese Premier for the 2007 Tokyo Motor Show is the Idling-Stop BlueCool Truck Parking Cooler technology which allows heavy-duty truck users to eliminate the need for engine idling for cabin comfort during rest & sleep breaks through the summer months.
The technology, already proven and commercialized in the European & American markets, can achieve driver seat area or sleeping bunk cooling that will meet & satisfy the Japanese climatic & market needs. We have worked on various evaluation tests with the aim of its debut at the Japanese market in spring, 2009.
By utilizing innovative new materials & ideas, together with its existing parking heating technology, Webasto is bringing the reality of Year-Round Idling Stop to the heavy-duty truck users helping Japan meet the growing need for reductions in CO2 & energy consumption.
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