
QarmaQ has many design highlights, such as the C-shaped side window that enables helicopter-like downward visibility and demonstrates the new glazing technology.

QarmaQ's energy-absorbing system encompassing the whole front end of the vehicle, is arguably the world's first global pedestrian protection solution on a CUV. Three energy-absorbing structures are fully integrated underneath the futuristic styling of QarmaQ and dissipate the force of a pedestrian/CUV collision.

Thanks to extensive use of advanced materials, QarmaQ is 60 kg lighter than a comparable vehicle made with traditional materials, which leads to reduced fuel consumption. QarmaQ's body panels use the eco-friendly materials re-using PET plastic bottles that would otherwise be dumped. Another environmentally progressive aspect of the QarmaQ is the 2-liter diesel engine fully compliant with EURO5 emission regulations. It features the very latest technologies such as high pressure fuel injection and fine fuel spray atomization for higher torque and better power output.
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