Environmentally-Friendly Freight Transportation
- Using Modal Shifts to Reduce the Environmental Load from Truck Transportation
Ministry of the Environment
November 6 (Saturday) 14:00-16:30 International Conference Room
Masahiro Daisho
Professor, Science and Engineering, Waseda University
In order to reduce the number of harmful substances in the environment such as carbon dioxide, NOx and particulate matter, there is an increased interest in a modal shift in the distribution industry from trucks to freight trains, as well as the use of smaller hybrid trucks and IT technology. Reducing the environmental impact of truck transport, which now takes up 90% of the distribution market, is an urgent task. Professor Daisho started off the symposium with a keynote speech on the hopes of traffic transport, following presentations by other panelists related to distribution and transport equipment. That was followed by a panel discussion on how to reduce CO2 emissions.

Yukinari Miyazawa
Director,Japan Freight Railway Company

Shin Endo
Executive Officer, Hino Motors, Ltd.

Toshiko Shibata

Hidekazu Yamaguchi
General Manager, Eco-tech Application Initiative, Seven-Eleven Japan, Co. Ltd.

Yasuhiro Shimizu
Director, Climate Change Policy Division,Ministry of Environment